World Heart Day 2018 in Mekelle
Celebrated on September 29th by Mekelle University
World heart day 2018 was celebrated as a regional level in Mekelle. It was organized by Mekelle University College of Health Sciences, Tigray Regional Health Bureau and Tigray Heart Association. The theme of this year was my heart, your heart which is to create heart-healthy environments.
Sponsored was this beside others also by the German Ethiopia-Witten Association, also the main supporter of the joint program for primary prevention of Rheumatic Heart Disease with Mekelle University.
The attractive program offered to the inhabitants of Mekelle a Football game between Ayder Senior Physicians and Mekele Football Club supporters’ association team. A public screening for Blood Pressure and Blood glucose levels, weight and height (Body Mass Index), offerd. Last but not least a waist circumference walk from Romanat square to Ayder Hospital and panel discussion was joint by great number of visitors.
There was a tense discussion about the foundation and activities of Tigray Heart Association, a short screening report of the half day’s result, about the cardiology facilities at the national level and its challenges and also the service in Ayder Hospital were presented respectively in MU-CHS Telemedicine.