RHD prevention program PrevRHD of Etiopia-Witten Assoc., Mekelle University and Tigray Health Bureau started
Great interest and acceptance of the audience in the first sensitization workshop on RHD primary prevention held in October 30, 2017 in Wukro - Ethiopia - Tigray
The agenda of the meeting was to discuss about the initiation of the Guideline based prevention and control of Rheumatic Heart Disease: A project in Eastern zone of Tigray, Ethiopia & pilot project in Wukro area (PrevRHD project)
There were three presentations and there was a final discussion with the participants
- The current situation of Heart Disease in Ethiopia (Dr Abraha Hailu)
- From Pharyngitis / Tonsillitis to Rheumatic Heart Disease (Dr Mulugeta Naizgi)
- About the PrevRHD Project (Dr Abraha Hailu)
- Discussion with participants (Dr Tesfay G.her)
The meeting with responsible local health politicians, physicians, teachers and representatives of the churches was with about 50 participants a great success. After the presentations it was stated from the audience that:
"It is for the very first time that he is listening and has deeply understood that UNCLEANLINESS leading to TONSILLITIS ends up in SEVERE DISABLING DISSEASE." (representative of the youth association)
Even if he has been to different meetings on health issues and others, I have never heard about the fact that tonsillitis leads to heart disease before. We have heard here also that tonsillitis is caused by bacteria and is easily treatable but our community believes that tonsillitis is caused by spitting on FIRE or spitting on toilet or is due to evil eye etc . (religious leader)