Schulspeisung für Kinder unserer Laeley Seken Schule in Tigray angelaufen

Dank des großen Engagements der Leiter der Live Saving Kitchen (LiSaKitchen) aus Mekelle ist dieses Hilfsprogramm an den Start gegangen

Unser Video zur Schulspeisung in der Laey Seken Schule in Tigray

Wir haben von den Organisatoren der Schulspeisung für die Lealey Seken Grundschule einige Videos über den ersten Tag der Speisung bekommen. Diese Videos in lokaler Tigrinya Sprache haben wir zu einem Video zusammengefügt und mit deutschen Untertiteln versehen.

Hier der Link bei Youtube:

Es gibt das Video auch in englischer Sprache:

Unser Hilfsprogramm zur Versorgung von hungernden Schulkindern, mit einer besonders nahrhaften Schulmahlzeit zu versorgen hat nun in der Laeley Seken Grundschule begonnen.

Sie lieg westlich von Mekelle und ist eine ländliche Grundschule die weit abseits der großen Straßen, in einem vom Tigray- Krieg besonders betroffenen Gebiet liegt. Glücklicherweise ist das Schulgelände mit seinen Gebäuden weitgehend erhalten geblieben. Etiopia-Witten hatte gemeinsam mit der Universität Mekelle 2017 dort neue Schulgebäude errichtet.  Die besonders engagierte Schulleitung und Elternschaft hatte dabei einen großen Beitrag geleistet.

Die Umsetzung des Programmes wurde durch die große Bereitschaft von leitenden Mitarbeitern des Ayder Hospitals, die über gute Erfahrungen im Projektmanagement verfügen, erst möglich. Die Finanzierung erfolgt aus Spendenmitteln unseres Vereins. Ihr Wirkungsgrad konnte durch einen sehr günstigen Umtausch in die äthiopischen Landeswährung deutliche erhöht werden. Hier der ausführliche Bericht der Organisatoren aus Mekelle in englischer Sprache.



Report of our second visit to Laelay Seken primary school

Date of visit: Tuesday, April 23, 2024

Visitors: Professor Afework Mulugeta and Dr Reiye Esayas

Aim of the visit: to assess the progress of school feeding project which is funded by EW and deliver some materials

Participants of the discussion:

  1. Professor Afework Mulugeta…… CHS & Ayder CSH, Director of LISA kitchen

  2. Dr Reiye Esayas…………………………CHS & Ayder CSH, oard member of LISA Kitchen

  3. Kibrom……………………………… Director of Laelay Seken Primary School

  4. Welay Hadera……………………Member of Teachers and parents union

  5. Gebru Mebrahtu………………Member of Teachers and parents union


Chairman of LiSa Kitchen Mekelle with head of Laeley Seken School

Topics of discussion:

  1. Progress of the project

    1. The schedule

    2. Consumables and materials

    3. Documentation

  2. Positive outcomes so far

    1. Indicators

    2. Students’ response

    3. Teachers’ response

    4. Parents’ response

  3. Next steps

  4. Progress of the project: the visit was a surprise visit with out notifying the school community so as to assess the progress of the project with out bias.

  5. The schedule:

the feeding program was started two weeks back with nutritional biscuits prepared by the order of UN agencies for similar purpose of feeding school children. The school has over 600 students who attend school in two shifts and the shift changes every week. Each student gets the food one hour before starting class. The distribution is made by the class teacher and student representatives of each class.


  1. Consumables and materials:

We visited the store of the school and consumables (biscuits, rice, lentil and vegetable oil) and cooking and feeding materials are all in place. The plan is to start cooking and serving the rice and lentil as part of the menu as of next day because now almost all the necessary equipment and resources are ready.

We observed piles of fire woods brought by the community.


Piles of firewood for food coking in Laeley Sekens shool

  1. Documentation:

The school has well prepared isolated folder for the project that contains the receipts of all the purchases and deliveries as well as daily report of the number of students and staff who benefited from the project.

Accounting protocols Laeley Seken School food 2024



project implementation manual

  1. Positive outcomes so far:

    1. Indicators:

As per the document, the attendance rate of students has improved from 65% just before starting the project to the current rate of 90%. Students also come on time with out delay because of the timing of the feeding. How much impact it has on their academic performance is going to be seen after the end of the school year.

As it is, a number of teachers and students from other schools apply for transfer to Laelay Seken primary school.

  1. Students’ response:

We observed the activities of students and interviewed few. From our observation, the students were more active and smiley even at such a hot weather. They express their happiness with the project and want it to continue.

  1. Teachers’ response:

The teachers are also glad that it started for they don’t feel bad about seeing sad faces of the students and that the attendance is getting better not to mention that they are also glad to be part of the project.

  1. Parents’ response:

The representatives of parents find it very helpful as they don’t worry about the breakfast/ lunch of their kids anymore and they promise to keep on contributing their part.

  1. Next steps

    1. The plan is to continue the feeding program with nutritionally sound menu and schedule.

    2. To purchase two large plastic barrels (200liters each) for storing water in the kitchen and six medium 20 litre jerrycans to collect and transport water from the water points to the kitchen.

    3. There will be a community gathering to thank the project funders, to celebrate the success of the project and discuss the way forward on how to sustain the project and expand to the neighbouring schools.

