Cardiac Magnet Resonance (CMR) in Ayder Hospital Mekelle first in Ethiopia

First successful testing of Cardiac MRI procedures on the 3 Tesla MRI in the Ethiopian Ayder Referral Hospital of Mekelle University

On March 14th 2019, induced by the German Etiopia-Witten NGO Cardiologist Dr. Christian Leuner MD, the cardiac Magnetic Resonance (CMR) package of the very modern 3 Tesla Magnetic Resonance Imaging system of Ayder Comprehensive specialized Hospital of Mekelle University had been successfully tested with a test person. First pictures of human hearts have been achieved.

the CMR (Cardiac Magentic Resonance) staff in Ayder Hospital Mekelle Ethiopia

Ayder radiology and cardiology staff testing Cardiac MRIFrom left to rigth: Fesseha Mehari (Med. engineer Infinity-et PLC Addis Abeba), Behre Wadey (1), Tesfay Abrha (1), Ass. Prof. Hagos Kahsey MD Ayder Hospital, Musie Haile (1) Gebrehiwot Birhanu (1)

(1) MRI technician Ayder Hospital (Head technician Meron Kiros)

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