
February 2021

by Christian Leuner

Etiopia-Witten Assoc. is giving funds for medical treatment in Mekelle

Just received reports from physicians from Mekelle hospitals confirmed information from the International Red Cross that the healthcare facilities in war hit Tigray are severely damaged and a nearly total lack of medical drugs including life-sustaining medications like Insulin for diabetics and others.

Several thousand of refugees from the nearby countryside have arrived in Mekelle including a considerable number (about 50 to 80) of raped women in bad health conditions including severe injuries and psychic traumatization. They are in Ayder Hospital and need urgently special medical and psychiatric treatment, but financing medical resources and even supply of food in the hospital is not secured.

Because of the more than 10 years lasting close cooperation with the dedicated physicians of Ayder Hospital, Etiopia-Witten is giving direct emergency financial funding to Ayder Hospital to give focused medical help to those in the greatest need.

Donations urgently needed, every donation counts!



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