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Welcome to the website of Etiopia-Witten Assoc.
Etiopia-Witten is a registered charitable association from Witten town - Germany supporting Ethiopia
The tragedy forgotten by the whole world
Tigray and German Cardiologist from Etiopia-Witten just published in European Heart Journal:
The Prevention of RHD Program
We bring Penicillin to children with strep throat in Tigray province - Ethiopia
Twin towns Witten - Mekelle
The town partnership between Witten and Mekelle creates new opportunities
We need your help

Every donation counts!
Yes, I would like to support the work of Etiopia-Witten Assoc.
On Youtube: Videos from Ethiopia-Witten activities
Video from Florian Gregorzyk about the trip from members of Etiopia-Witten during the German Week2017 in Mekelle (7 short videos each 1:30 to 3:00 Min)
Video from Tigray Development Association inTigrinya and English language of the Tigrai Friendship Tour Megkelle Tigrai Feb 2015 (15:15 Min)