Gastroenterology Project in Ayder Hospital Mekelle
A close cooperation between the two gastroenterologists and the German colleagues Dr. Schmidt-Heikenfeld and Dr. Calderoni of the organization “Etiopia Witten” provides a functional endoscopy unit in the local university hospital.
In 2012 endoscopical equipment including upper and lower gastrointestinal scopes was given as a donation to the department of gastroenterology.
The local endoscopical staff was trained in terms of endoscopic diagnosis and to appropriate interventions by regular site visits and internships in Germany. The work was supported in the meantime by a German nurse with a focus on equipment preparation and training of non-medical endoscopy staff.
Procedures and standards are harmonized by the close cooperation and mutual appreciation over time . Another collaborative project started the last year in the St. Paul Hospital in Addis Abeba. It also exists a close cooperation and a professional exchange with the local colleagues Dr. Berhane and Dr. Michael . Recently a complete ERCP system could be set up and put into operation .