
The Ethiopian cardiologists at the Ayder University Hospital in Mekelle expressed their great interest in the field of vascular medicine, Angiology, in 2016. Therefore the association Etiopia-Witten was happy that the specialist for Internal Medicine - Angiology, Dr. Elisabeth von der Laan from Münster, expressed interest in visiting Mekelle in March 2017.  

Dr. Elisabeth van der Laan in front of the pediatric department of Ayder Hospital


Since the cardiologist Dr. Christian Leuner of Etiopia-Witten was also in Mekelle during this time, he was able to introduce you during her oriental, one-week stay at the Ayder Hospital. During her stay, the interest in the clinical and ultrasound examination technique was great not only among the cardiologists, but also with the paediatricians and radiologists, who perform ultrasound examinations outside the heart.

Dr. van der Laan during ultrasound examinations

For Ms Dr. van der Laan meant the for German standards unusually spontaneous organisation of daily hospitalisation  in Ayder Hospital a few days of acclimatisation. In her medical report, she summarised her experiences and her proposals for building an angiology unit.

Here the medical report from Dr. Elisabeth van der Laan can be downloaded as .pdf file.