

by Christian Leuner

First Visit of German fire Fighters in Mekelle

The German professonal firefighter Michael Heiland from Witten town was sent by Etiopia-Witten association to Mekelle town - Ethiopia. His activites: the two new modern Ambulance cars sent from Witten to  Ayder Hospital, consulting the firefighting department of Mekelle town.

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by Christian Leuner

The cath lab crew of Ayder Hospital Mekelle May 25th 2015

First Coronary Heart catheterization in Ayder Referral University Hospital - Mekelle - Ethiopia

in Februrary 28th 2015 in the new installed cardiac catheterization laboratory (cath lab), the first heart cathetrization has been performed by the Ethiopian Cardiologist Dr. Abraha Hailu Waldegrima and the German Cardiologist Dr.Christian Leuner at the catheter table and the German Cardiologist Dr. Norbert Scheffold at at the control desk.


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